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Primary care is all about your health. Your team at Garduno Family Medicine is here to assist you with both immediate health needs and long-term health goals. As our member, we offer same-day appointments, assist with preventive treatments, urgent care, and help coordinate specialist referrals when needed. At Garduno Family Medicine, we thrive on assisting our patient members and plan to be your primary care team for the long term.

Bone Density Screening

Bone density screening is a medical assessment that measures the strength and density of a person's bones, typically focusing on the spine, hips, arm, and sometimes other areas. Through an imaging platform called DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry), the scan provides crucial information about bone health, helping to assess the risk of osteoporosis and fractures and guiding decisions regarding treatment and preventive measures.

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Personalized Plan

Comprehensive, individualized health plan

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Always Available

Through office visit, text, call and telehealth

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More Time with the Doc

Have unrushed and complete conversations with your doctor

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Proactive Health

We focus on proactively managing your health and not just sick care

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